My desire is that my simple thoughts will speak to your spirit and be helpful in some unique way.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Act of Betrayal

Right now I'm going through a daily study called, Jesus: Experience the Power and Meaning of Christ.  The premise of the study is to take a look at the most moving words ever written about the last days of Jesus life. My husband, Dave, has been on  me to start blogging for years.  Well, here it is.  I'm humbled to think anyone would want to read this or even think seriously about the words I type.  The downside of me just beginning to blog now is I'm already on Day 51 of this study.  I'm now in the section about Jesus being betrayed.  So far Jesus has entered Jerusalem, cleared the Temple, told parables and answered questions.  He also warned against hypocrisy, told the future and has now been betrayed.  All in a day's work, right?!

Each day has a new author which has been great because I've also learned more about these people.  Did you know that St. Ambrose pegged the term, "when in Rome do as the Romans do."  This was his answer to St. Augustine when asked if they should fast on Saturdays.  Aaaaaanywho, that's just a little side note.  On to my study...

Today's writing is from the Life Application Bible.  This Bible helps understand difficult passages.  You also gain great background information from this Bible.  I use the Warren Wiersbe Commentary which provides the same thing.  The verse used today is Matthew 26:14-15. 

Matthew 26:14-15) Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the leading priests and asked, "How much will you pay me to betray Jesus to you?"  And they gave him thirty pieces of silver. 

This verse blows my mind.  Judas was willing to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  So how much was this?  After some research I've learned that it was about the price of a slave in those days or maybe a month's wages.  There are many different ideas on this question.  So now we have a new perspective into the saying, "he is a sell out!"  The second Judas "sold out" Jesus prophesy in Exodus and Zechariah was fulfilled.  The crazy thing is that no one is above this depravity...even me.  Uh that is humbling.  My mother used to remind me when I was feeling high and mighty that by the grace of God go I. 

Even though Judas betrayed Jesus we are all responsible for the Cross.  Satan meant the betrayal for harm, but God meant it for good.  In Genesis 50:20 we read, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being down, the saving of many lives."  For a wonderful story please read about the trials and tribulations of Joseph in Genesis. 

The Life Application Bible explains that there are many views of Judas.  There are feelings of hate, pity, graditude for ending Jesus earthly mission.  How was it fair that one man bear such guilt asks the LAB (Life Application Bible)?  That's an interesting question to ponder.

To me Judas appears to be a puppet of God in the play called life.  I suppose no one forced Judas to make such a decision.  I don't fully understand the whole 'free will' thing.  I learned recently from Joyce Meyer...we ask why too much.   He decided to betray Jesus.  Now God knew he would.  Afterall there was prophesy to this in Psalm 41:9 and in Zechariah.  We can look to him as an example of what each and everyone of us is capable of.  Jesus pegged Judas in John 17:12.  Judas never referred to Jesus as Lord rather he called Him Rabi.  Maybe he was in the camp that Jesus was a great teacher, but not the savior of the world.  I don't know that for sure, but it's just an idea.  Maybe Judas and Jesus weren't all that close.  I learned that the disciples were listed in order of closeness to Jesus.  I love the site!  Who was listed last?  Yep, Judas.  Other sources say the list goes more on a time line.  Regardless, Judas is last.  The last reason Judas betrayed Jesus...greed.  Anyway, back to John 17:12.  Judas was the one headed for destruction because was was never saved.  Imagine unsaved disciple.  So why is it so shocking there are unsaved people sitting religiously in church pews?

My book asks another great question, "am I true  follower of Jesus Christ or an uncommitted pretender?"  Ouch.  Maybe I didn't trade Jesus for money, but how many times have I chosen something over Him?  How many times have I pretended to be someone else?  Too many than I care to admit!  When someone does not choose Jesus they are, in essence, betraying Him.  Matthew 12:30 reads, "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."  Granted, I'm a follower of Jesus but I must be very careful to choose Him each and every second of the day.  Like we studied today at Bible study (thanks Evans you all), in ALL my ways acknowledge Him and then I can look to Him to direct my paths and make them straight.

So I guess the lesson I gathered from today's study is committed am I to Jesus?


  1. Sounds like a great study, Anna...and great questions to ponder. Hard questions that cut the heart. How many times do I trade Him for something else, put something above Him? Too often.

    I look forward to reading more! And, a huge welcome to blogland!!

    Love you...

  2. Thanks for the support Kelly! I suppose we all have a little "Judas" in us...

  3. I am inspired by your blog and the study you are doing! My favorite is to read scripture in a way that is relatable and your blog does just that. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to following your posts.

  4. Anita! Thanks for reading and for the kind words. Please check back as I hope to have new posts daily. Lots of love to you friend.
