My desire is that my simple thoughts will speak to your spirit and be helpful in some unique way.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Max Lucado is today's author.  He is probably one of my favorite authors and his book, He Still Moves Stones is in the top five best books ever in my opinion.  Google him to see a complete list of books.  He is incredible at being able to create an image with his words that is clear as day in your brain.  On to the study.

John 14:1)  "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God;  trust also in Me."

Sometimes I think I know the definition of a word, but I really don't.  I decided to look up the word 'trust' and see what I could learn. 

Trust- firm reliance on the integrity, ability, etc. of a person or thing
        - confident expectation
        - to have confidence in
        - to hope (the feeling that something desired is possible) in

In today's study Max is discussing the return of Christ.  If you are anything like me the thought of the unknown is scary.  I am not one for change either.  I have a hard time imagining this earth is not all there is.  Because I decided to believe the Bible I trust there is something else, something better ahead.  I am not willing to mess with eternity here.  Years ago I remember seeing a bumper sticker that simple said, "What if it is true?"  How impacting!  I KNOW it is true because I trust the Word of God.  I rely on it's integrity because the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.  There are many details I do not understand and I am slowly learning that is okay.

2 Timothy 3:16-17)  Every Scripture is inspired by God (God-breathed) and is useful for teaching, for showing mistakes, for correcting, and for training character, so that the person who belongs to God can be equipped to do everything that is good.

Like I said earlier, Max is writing about the Second Coming and how we are to trust His timing.  Only God knows when Jesus will return.  Jesus wanted to comfort His disciples when He spoke these words and also wants to comfort us in our present struggles.  He knew we would wonder about His return and heaven.  Max advises to trust God that Jesus will arrive again just at the right time and that He has prepared a place for us.

John 14:2)  In my Father's house are many rooms;  if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you.

There is something I  must share though.  It is on my heart today since we are discussing trust.  When my mom got sick it really shook my faith.  Then she died an atrocious death and I've found it difficult to trust Him.  As I pray through my own health struggles it has been a challenge to pray with confidence.  When people remind me He knows best I want to do one of three things, 1) agree because deep down I know He does, 2) cry because it does not seem like it, 3) smack them and say, "yeah well tell me that (and my family and mother) as mom writhed and screamed during the last hours of her life."  When all the emotions pass I come back to one fact.  He does know best and I trust Him.

I mentioned before there are many details of the Bible I do not understand.  Why does this happen?  Why does that happen?  Questions are healthy, but God knows our hearts in the reason we are asking them.  He knows why I am asking why.  Why did a woman, who desperately loved God, die a torturous death?  The list could go on.  What good is there in these situations?  The details on heaven are very scarce in the Bible.  Why?  Because He wants me to trust Him.  I believe the second after Mom's heart stopped beating she met the Lord face to face.  I thought about that fact as I sit beside her body...WOW.  This will be the case for every person, follower of Jesus or not.  I believe He may  have even showed her the good that came from her suffering and subsequent death.  There is not Biblical basis for my thought other than He is rich in mercy.

Ephesians 2:4)  However, God is rich in mercy...

Mom believed the Bible because she trusted God.  Quite frankly, the strength she displayed throughout her battle was nothing short of miraculous.  She wanted desperately to live.  She loved life!  In the end, when her brain was completely destroyed I believe her soul shouted, "I trust you God."

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post! Have you read "A Love Worth Giving" by Max Lucado? My personal fav of his that I have read......I am re-reading it now! Very convicting :)
