My desire is that my simple thoughts will speak to your spirit and be helpful in some unique way.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

How Did He Do That?!

I am on to a new section of my study now.  Cyprian is the inspiration author.  I can't remember if I've already summarized him for you or not.  Just in case I haven't I'll briefly give some history of this great man.  Cyprian was a third century bishop and early Christian writer.  He was raised a pagan, but converted to Christianity.  He changed his name from Thascius after a person who was responsible for his conversion.  I am doing him a disservice by summarizing his life so briefly.  Over the course of his life he gave most of his money away.  He was beheaded by the sword after he removed his own clothes, knelt down, and said, "Thanks be to God."  Actually, it is important to remember what Cyprian did before he died.  How did he have the strength to do that?!

Here are two verses that my study is based off of.

John 14:17)  This is the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him.  You know him because he abides with you, and he will be in you.

John 16:7)  But I tell you the truth;  It is for your good that I am going away.  Unless I go away, the counselor will not come to you;  but if I go, I will send Him to you.

Jesus just finished the Last Supper and now the table is clear.  He sees the worry and anxiety in the faces of His closest and dearest friends.  He shares John 16:7 with them for comfort and also John 14:17.

The Spirit was with the Disciples before Jesus death on the cross.  The Twelve could literally see, feel to the touch, and audible hear the voice of God in Jesus Christ.  He was leaving though and they felt alone.  I like to think of the Spirit as God's mind.  In essence Jesus was telling them they would receive the spirit of truth that IS the spirit of God.  To truly have the spirit of truth one must know God personally.  To know absolute truth I must receive Jesus Christ and His work on the cross.  I recently did a blog entry on this concept.  Please see John 14:6 to refresh your memory.

As I was doing this study I really began to think about what the Spirit does in my life.  Because I am just a human I cannot fully comprehend all He does for me.  Here are some thoughts of the topic.

The Spirit empowers me to do a wide variety of things, but one very important is He empowers me to submit to God.  Submission does not come naturally to me nor anyone else.  I have shared in another entry about the Law and what it meant.  People can keep laws.  Old Testament people showed great willpower when they kept the letter of the law.  Quite frankly they were afraid to disobey because of harsh physical punishment.  People today can keep rules too...think of legalism.  The Spirit indwelt in me enables me to obey God in my spirit.  I WANT to obey Him because I love Him and long to live peacefully with Him.  Sin separates me from God and I do not want that.  I want to live an obedient submitted life.  Now do I always succeed?  No way.  This is why Jesus' words in John 16:7 are so important.  God is sending me a Helper.  He is giving me Someone internally who can help me get the job done.  On my one I cannot obey in spirit.

Let's think back to Cyprian.  How could he show such strength at such an intense time of persecution?  He had the living God inside of him to help in his time of need.  Right until the sword cut his head off he displayed super human power.  With the Spirit inside of us we too can do superhuman things.

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