My desire is that my simple thoughts will speak to your spirit and be helpful in some unique way.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Doubting like Thomas

Henry Blackaby is a Canadian pastor, teacher, and author.  He co-authored a book titled Experiencing God:  Knowing and Experiencing the Will of God.  It has sold over 4,000,000 copies and has been translated into 45 different languages!  Why have I not read this book?!  I'll add it to my ever-growing list.  He has five grown children all of whom serve in ministry.  I find that interesting.  Claude King co-authored this book with Blackaby and others.  He is the disciple specialist at Lifeway Christian Resources.  In his current position he speaks, leads workshops and seminars and consults with individual pastors and church leaders.  Lifeway is a wonderful resource for all of us with a vast selection of books, guides, vacation Bible school curriculum, etc.

Today's verse is John 20:24-25.  Read it below.

John 20:24-25)  Now Thomas (also knows as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came.  So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!"  But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe."

The dictionary defines doubt as to be uncertain and undecided about, to distrust, or to be suspicious.  I have been uncertain that God would come through for me.  I have been distrustful and suspicious of His character.  As I navigate through the current uncharted waters I struggle with all of this.

When times get really tough I struggle with doubt in a big way.  I am getting quicker at recognizing the doubt as it creeps in.  In the past I have allowed myself to stay in this place and stew.  I heard someone say once when doubt (or any other ungodly attitude or action) knock on your door we do not have to answer.  We cannot invite it in and tell it to make itself at home.  When I reason and stew I am allowing the attitude or action to get comfortable in my home.  The verse below tells us what we need to do when those thoughts try and creep in.  Taking thoughts captive takes work and is cannot be done with an apathetic attitude.

1 Corinthians 10:5)  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Another way to deal with doubt is to tell God.  Be honest.  He knows my every thought anyway so why not be honest.  Jesus knows my struggles and is lifting them up to the Father.  He is our intercessor.  He may know what we are battling, but we still have a duty to tell Him.  He desires a relationship with us.  Any good relationship has active communication lines.  I love the story in the Gospels about the father who approached Jesus for help.  This poor man had a demon-possessed child.  Can you imagine?  The disciples could not drive out the demon.  When the spirit saw Jesus it threw the boy into convulsions.  Jesus told the father that anything was possible to those who believe.  Read below what the father replied.

Mark 9:24)  Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

I want to believe I can get better, but based on my feelings it is doubtful.  My symptoms still burden me so and if I only pay attention to them my future is grim.  In my heart of hearts I believe the Bible, but I want to believe it more.  I cry out to Jesus, "I do believe, but I need You to help me overcome any unbelief!"

There have been times when doubt has controlled me.  During these times God sometimes provides a specific encouragement to help my unbelief.  It can come in the form of a song, a specific Bible verse, a thought or word from a loved one (or even an acquaintance or stranger), or a godly principle laid on my heart by the Holy Spirit.  There are other times where He seems silent and simply instructs me to trust Him.

It is important to look back at times when God worked it out and came through.  If we were to privy to all the information God has the times would be too numerous to count.  We only get to see so much though.  We grow the most during challenging times.  I have matured and grown the most during these times and the times I've been pushed out of my comfort zones.  When I am out of my comfort zone I only see my shortcomings.  With my current struggles I don't feel adequate to handle it, but have people tell me what an inspiration I am.  I FEEL inadequate to handle the load, but God provides what I need and can turn my pain into glory for His kingdom.  He stretches me and it's then that my faith grows.  When the next challenge comes I'm stretched again and my faith consequently grows and so on.  In essence we go from faith to faith.  Make sense?  To counteract doubt it is necessary to look back at the faith growing experiences and see how God worked out the issues laid before us.

Romans 1:17)  For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith.

Another way to counteract doubt is to suit up with the armor.  I think it is important to live life wearing the armor.  It is not wise to wait until the attack comes before putting it on.  Part of our battle is with ungodly attitudes, thoughts, and feelings.  We must be prepared ahead of time to fend of Satan's attacks.  I can say from personal experience that doubt is straight from Satan.  Having said that God can use it for good.  He can use it grow us into stronger and more mature believers...if we allow Him.  If you have never done an in depth study on the armour of God I highly recommend doing one.

Ephesians 6:10-13)  Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground...

Last but not least we need to be willing to let go.  Ouch.  Hello Anna!  My doubt stems out of fear.  I have said before how much I struggle with fear in dealing with my health situation.  When I demand answers and time lines it appears God is doing nothing.  He is very silent during the times I demand to know certain answers.  God seems to leave me hanging...enter D-O-U-B-T.  Everyday I work through letting go of my demands.  When I do this I find rest.  Believe me this battle rages on, but I WILL NOT GIVE UP.  Letting go requires me to fully submit to the Lord.  It requires me to hand over the reins.  One of our dear friends did a sermon years ago about letting go.  He said you hand it over to God with your palms facing down.  Go ahead practice because I just did.  The first verse below reminds me my body (and life) do not belong to me.  The second verse is the ultimate letting go verse.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20)  Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.    

Luke 22:42)  “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

Here is a quick list of way to counteract doubt.  We all need all the help we can get. 
1.  Do not invite doubt in and allow it to get comfortable.  Recognize it right away and deal with it immediately.
2.  Tell the Lord you are struggling with doubt and desire to be different.
3.  Look back at times when the Lord worked out issues for you (and others).
4.  Live a life wearing the armor of God.
5.  Let go and let God remembering to live fully submitted to Him.

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