My desire is that my simple thoughts will speak to your spirit and be helpful in some unique way.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Attitude Matters

  1. We all are in need of a little perspective from time to time.  If you are anything like me you get caught up in your own "stuff." It can be good stuff or trying stuff.  We also tend to think our trying stuff is the worst.  Whenever anything uncomfortable happens I try and figure out how to make the situation more comfortable for myself.  Lets face it we don't enjoy pain.  I find it interesting to talk to people that claim the name of Jesus over anything bad.  They automatically think Satan is trying to foil their plans or to ruin their day.  While I do absolutely believe in spiritual warfare I also believe the Lord allows challenges to come to grow us up.  maybe its just me, but i certainly dont grow much when I am on the mountain top.  Now don't get me wrong Satan does enjoy ruining our day, but most of the time we ruin it ourselves with our attitude about challenges.  

    Yesterday was a interesting  day for me.  Let me explain a bit.  My doctor (the specialist I see in Arizona) did some blood work last week.  I get blood work often because of my hormone issues.  I meet with her by phone quite often too.  The last round of labs uncovered some issues with my blood sugar which is very interesting given my addiction to exercise and healthy diet.  So she ordered a 5 hour glucose test.  If you have been pregnant before you had a 2-3 hour test.  I decided I was going to have a good attitude.  This was going to be great and helpful.  I prayed and prayed over the situation and felt like the Lord was assuring me it would give us helpful information.  So I fasted 12 hours and got to the lab bright and early, 7:15.  Well, it wasn't so bright because of the time change.  

    I seriously came prepared with two books, an HGTV magazine, my Bible study journal, heating pad, and pillow.  I was ready to get this done.  I hand the lab technician the order and she says she can't do the test.  What?!  I called to confirm they could last Friday.  Dr. Vliet had written out the names of the diagnosis without the codes.  Apparently they can't start the test without the codes.  I wanted to cry.  I honestly felt like in this circumstance Satan was trying to mess things up.  I felt a strong pull to pray that if God wanted this test done He would make a way.  We couldn't call Dr. Vliet's office because it was only after 5 a.m. in Arizona.  The tech called her supervisor and had no luck.  I had Dave praying too.  Speaking of Dave I will have to tell you about his morning when I'm done.  What I didn't do is flip out and yell at the lab tech.  I was sitting there trying to think of something and my uncle Rog's name came to mind (he is a doctor).  I called him and he and his nurse were able to help us.  The test finally got started an hour late.  

    It really wasn't all that bad.  My friend Kristin stopped by to chat which was so thoughtful.  My other friend and her daughter took care of Olive.  The lab tech couldn't believe how patient I was.  Honestly I really didn't get it either.  Anything of the medical sort makes me terribly anxious because of all that 
    I have been through.  I read my book about the misconceptions we have about God.  I gave the tech
    the book when I left...she appreciated it.  I people watched.  Incidentally a lot of people come in for urine tests!  Another lady was super grouchy.  She was complaining to another woman about how slow the lab tech was and how she hates mornings.  She couldn't have been sitting there more than five minutes before she got called back!  I chatted with an older gentleman about Girl Scout cookies.  We got on the topic because the girl sitting next to him mentioned her boyfriend was sitting in the car waiting and eating Girl Scout cookies.  The gentleman thought the price was ridiculous these days...$6.00 a box.  I agreed.  He was waiting forever AFTER his test.  His wife had to run over to a gas station to use the rest room and didn't come back for probably a half hour.  He told me he thought she went to Wal-Mart.  She did come back eventually!  I found it all very entertaining.

    I wouldn't call the test fun.  Actually it was far from it.  They took out two files of blood than I drank this awful sugar syrup.  They waited 30 minutes than took out two more files of blood.  After another half an hour another two files.  This went on four more hours with draws being taken every hour.  When it was said and done I had 14 viles of blood taken out.  Fortunately Dave was able to come pick me up because I felt like I was in slooooooow motion.  As far as how I felt physically it really was not very good.  I felt jazzed after the drink than crazy tired about 10 minutes later.  I had cold chills, hot flashes, etc.  My arms still feel like a pin cushion.  I had total and complete peace though.  I 100% believe it didn't seem bad because I had a good attitude.  In the days leading up to the test I decided I was not going to fear what they found out.  I was going to pass this test.  I am not referring to the glucose test, but the spiritual test that was before me.  I told God that too.  I decided I was going to trust Him.  Eli and I recite Proverbs 3:5-6 every morning.  You can read it below.  One of the major fears I have battled throughout this health issue is the "what if" question.  What if I never feet better?  What if this lasts forever?  What if the labs come back horrible?  What if the labs come back saying I am fine even though I feel atrocious?!  "No!  I am trusting You God," I kept saying in the week leading up to this ordered 5 hour test.

    Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in God with all your heart.  Do not lean on your own understanding and in all 
    your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

    While I was sitting there doing a Bible study The Lord gave me the following verse.

    Isaiah 43:19). See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

    Lets fast forward to this morning.  I was walking on the treadmill because apparently after 14 viles of blood being taken out one should not do strenuous exercise.  Don't worry I was told that by the wonderful woman at Dr. Vliet's office and didn't find out for myself!  I love listening to Joyce Meyer podcasts while I work out.  So get this!  Her topic this morning was on avoiding the "what if" fear.  Joyce is a special teacher and author to me.  Her teachings have been crucial in my spiritual growth during this challenging time.  Wow!  This hit home.  Guess what verse she used as a reference verse in her lesson?!  Yep, you guessed it...Isaiah 43:19.  I couldn't believe it.  I really felt in God's presence.  I knew without a doubt He was right with me in that lab for that 6-1/2 hour test.  

    I guess the point of this blog entry is to encourage you to have a positive attitude in whatever season you are in.  God can use absolutely every experience we are in to further His Kingdom and grow us spiritually.  Patience is a tremendous virtue.  I have a long way to go, but I am so glad I am not where I was.  This blog entry was actually not the one I planned for today.  So you will have to check in next time as we learn about the wonderful story behind the hymn "It is Well With My Soul."

    Oh and my quick Dave story.  Since I had to be at the lab so early he had to get Eli ready for school.  It's really pretty easy.  Eli has an alarm so he comes downstairs all dressed.  I even made oatmeal the night before so all Dave had to do was reheat it.  Dave came down all dressed too (what a big boy!), but seemed a bit flustered.  He is used to getting up, showering and dressing, and grabbing his breakfast and lunch out of the fridge before he takes off for the day.  So having responsibility was quite a change.  David is always wonderfully helpful though and he was willing to help do whatever needed to be done.  Before I left I told him to be sure to get the ice pack out of the freezer for Eli's lunch box.  I also hung Eli's vest and book bag on the door knob so they wouldn't forget it.  So what happened?  Eli went to school with no vest, no lunch, and no book bag!  Dave stopped at the grocery next to the school and bought some snacks and gave Eli his sandwich!  

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