My desire is that my simple thoughts will speak to your spirit and be helpful in some unique way.

Monday, August 20, 2012

My Place

Matthew 6:31)  Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, What are we going to have to eat?  Or, What are we going to have to drink?  Or, What are we going to have to wear?

Joyce believes demons whisper in our ear, "what are you going to do?"  I certainly have heard this too many times to count.  Well meaning friends ask in crisis, "what are you going to do?!"  God wants us to be responsible of course and He leads us to do something just at the right time.  Sometimes He even calls us to do nothing!  I am not referring to those times.  I am talking about the anxious whispers.  I know the difference, but many times the true voice is drown out by worrisome static.  The only way to improve on deciphering the whispers is to dive into getting to know God.  Satan's goal is for us to act on our own without seeking guidance from God.  In Matthew 6:31 God clearly instructs us to not worry so when I do it is sin.  My previous blog entry was on this very topic.

One way I combat worry is to visualize.  When worry grips me I visualize myself kneeling before God's throne.  In all my time doing this I have never seen God's face or His body.  I have seen what I think are His lower leg and ankles although even that is a fuzzy picture.  He is on a throne.  I picture myself kneeling before Him.  There are no angels, trumpets, or lightening.  I am not automatically given answers or some huge new revelation.  It is a humbling experience and I am reminded of something bigger than myself.  It also helps me focus on Him and not what I am worried about.  What I focus on becomes big. 

So when Satan whispers in his hateful voice, "what are you going to do?!"  At that time I place myself before the throne.  I don't even say anything.  God knows there are not words many times that can voice the depth of my worry.  I am silent before Him just basking in His presence.  I am not saying prayer is not important.  The Bible says to pray at all times in all kinds of circumstances (1 Thess. 5:16-18).  What I am saying is that in those times when you can't find the words or just want to be in His presence I go to my place before the throne.  God knows there would be times when we didn't know what to pray.  If you are like me you feel like you have said everything there is to say.  Your mouth feels empty.  God knew there would be days like this (or months or years).

Romans 8:26-27)  In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

I have placed myself before His throne and recited this verse.  I have said, "God, I am out of burden is so deep..."  Like I said before I visualize myself literally before His thrown.  I have found it is a tremendously peaceful place to be.  The connection with Him is very real and it truly feels like my spirit is praying to the Lord without vocal words

Satan's lies start with a whisper and soon turn into a blasting sound.  At that point we become frantic.  "What am I going to do," we ask in the middle of the night.  Face it everything seems more pressing in the middle of the night.  Our mind is a battlefield and the most intense wars seem to occur between 10 pm and 7 am!  Often times when I would ask my mom how she was doing she would say, "good...really.  Those night wolves were attacking though."  She meant that she getting along well during the sunlight hours and when the moon came out so did the ravenous wolves.

In closing, I encourage you to spend time getting to know the Lord.  It is endlessly rewarding.  I do not mean to memorize Scripture just to memorize it, but really invest time in knowing God.  My visualizing technique is not the only way to go.  You will need to ask God to show you something that can help you.  I am nowhere near perfect and I worry way too much, but I am improving battle by battle.  I keep confessing the sin and keep moving forward.  I am better and quicker at recognizing Satan's hateful whispers and screams and I plan to continue to grow in this area.  I encourage you to do the same!

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