Hey all! I have SO much brewing in my brain right now I couldn't possibly put it all on paper (or the computer screen). God has been super busy with me. Let's just say that for now. Something did come to mind this afternoon that I wanted to share with y'all.
Eli takes piano lessons each Thursday. The instructor comes to Eli's school and teaches. It's a private lesson built into his school day. It's great because 1. Mr. Little is a dear man, and 2. we don't have to go somewhere else for the lesson. It's super convenient. I have been known to spy on the session from time to time. Well, I should clarify...Mr. Little knows I'm watching, but Eli does not. Call me a hover mom if you wish, but I like to know if my little guy is being respectful and doing what he's supposed to be doing. A few weeks back Eli got in trouble in class for not listening and focusing on the instruction. Eli is six so no one expects him to sit like an adult, but what we do expect is that he be respectful and not a know-it-all. He sometimes has a better idea on how to do things. He also LOVES to talk. When I say "love" I mean it's his favorite thing to do on the planet. Time and time again Dave and I tell Eli that he is to be wise. Wisdom comes from listening to those who are more experienced than you. There is a time to figure things out on your own and a time to take the instruction of counsel. We teach him to listen more than he talks. The verses below are two that we reference often.
Proverbs 1:5) ...let the wise listen and add to their learning...
Proverbs 1:7) The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Back to the piano lesson. So today Mr. Little calls me to share with me that Eli did not behave in piano lessons again today. He wanted me to know that he got after him a bit and Eli started to cry. He said Eli was talking a lot and not allowing Mr. Little to show him how to play. When Eli got in the car he said piano went well, but that he was naughty a little. After chatting a bit I told Eli that there were going to be consequences. He told me that he wouldn't play Wii. I think he picked that because he doesn't really care all that much about Wii. Eli had to call Mr. Little on the phone to apologize and I also took away Floppy.
OH.MY.GOODNESS. He freaked out. Crying, nose running, trying to talk me out of it...the whole nine yards. He tells me that he's not happy and I'm supposed to make him happy. He asked if I cared he was unhappy. I explained that my job was to teach him and guide him so he can grow into a Godly man. He told me Floppy makes him happy. Ay-yi-yi. Dave is much better at consequences than I am. I don't give in, but I want to! I think it's the horse person in me. I'm used to making my horse stand in the middle of the arena until they drop their head after a less than stellar training ride. My mom used to tell me, "Anna, you have to have more time than the horse." So true in the horse world AND the parenting world. Back to the situation with Eli.
When we got home he asked if he could earn Floppy back today. There are occasions when we allow him to earn something back. Those are special occasions. I told Eli my mind was made up and Floppy had to stay in the car today/tonight. I then got blamed for causing him to not be able to snuggle with Floppy in bed tonight. It was brutal people.
When we got home Eli raced into the basement to do "something." I figured he was up to something down there, but he was very upset so I let him be. About five minutes later he came back up with a heart colored red with the words "Anna love." It was precious. I knew he was trying to win Floppy back. His face was pink and his eyes watery. I hung his offering up and told him Floppy had to stay in the car because disrespecting Mr. Little and acting foolish was not okay. He goes back into the basement and comes back with two more pictures. He tried so hard to change my mind. I picked Eli up and told him I loved his gifts more than anything, but he has to have the right heart when giving gifts. Gifts are just that...gifts. They are given because you love someone not to get something out of them.
After this situation I thought of our relationship with God. I can parallel so much of parenting with our relationship with God. I didn't tell you the above story to make you think I'm a perfect mother. Heck, I'm far from it and I know it! By the grace of God do I only have any inkling of an idea of how to parent this little human. How many times have I prayed or read my Bible or done any of those things to try and "butter" God up, so to speak. Even if I don't do it blatantly I wonder how many times it's in the back of my mind. I think that God will think I'm good or at least better than some other people I know.
I have gone through a really tough time the last 6-7 years and I have thought many times about what I could do to change God's mind. Is there anything else I can do to make God change the circumstances?! Maybe if I volunteer at church or maybe if I only listen to Christian music? What if I take Communion? or maybe I can do two Bible studies today or pray an extra five minutes? I fully understand that by His grace I am saved. I know I can't work my way into heaven with huge tithes, long Bible studies, or hours spent at church. I know there is absolutely NOTHING on this planet that makes me good enough for heaven. Yet when it comes to my trial I have felt that maybe just maybe there is something I could do to get Him to do something I wanted. Eli did something he shouldn't have. Sometimes we do things we shouldn't and therefore have consequences. Other times God allows troubles to come our way to grow us up in our faith.
After the situation with Eli today I will have a new and refreshed outlook on my offerings to God. Essentially everything we do is an offering to God. Whether we are cleaning our home or reading our Bible...it is for Him. I am going to really evaluate my motives and my heart before I pray, study the Bible, or do anything else for God. I want to do those things because I love Him and want to make Him smile.
Colossians 3:23) Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters...
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